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Quote of the day
You cannot become thorough Americans if you think of yourselves in groups. America does not consist of groups. A man who thinks of himself as belonging to a particular national group in America has not yet become an American. ~ Woodrow Wilson
Offering Services to Our Patrons
- Reference Service: Library staff help the users to find documents and answer research questions.
- Circulation Service: RMG Central Library lends books and other materials to registered members for a set period of time.
- Digital Library Service: RMG Central Library offers online services such as reserving, renewing, and requesting materials.
- Virtual Library Services: RMG Central Library provides many services to our valuable patrons, including:
- On this day: This service is related to history on a specific day in the field of science, technology, art, commerce, etc.
- Useful Information: Entrepreneurship, topic of the week.
- E-books: Various open access books.
- E-Journals & Magazines: Various open access journals & magazines.
- Thesis: Various open access theses & dissertations.
- Video Library: Useful collection of educational videos.
- Online Courses: Online courses of ICAR & Ministry of Education, etc.
- New Arrivals: You can find a list of new arrivals.
- Current Awareness Services: Our library provides updates to users on the latest information in their areas of interest.
- Reading Hall Facility: Fully air-conditioned reading hall with a capacity of about 300 readers.
- Ask the Librarian: The RMG Central Library aims to resolve all of your queries regarding your informational needs on a 24/7 basis.
- Best Practice:
- 09:30 AM to 05:30 PM Issue & Return Facility
- Reading Hall timing 09:30 AM to 12:00 PM
- CCTV Surveillance
- Feedback Mechanism through Email
- Information Desk
- Separate Reading Room for Faculty & Research Scholars
- Wi-Fi Facility
- Web OPAC: Patrons can search desired books from the available books in the library through the (Online Public Access Catalogue).
Click here to access Web OPAC - Plagiarism Service: RMG Central Library has DrillBit Plagiarism detection software to check plagiarism of PG & Ph.D. theses and related manuscripts.
- Reprography Service: Reprography facility is available in the library on a payment basis for students.